
@rinerdar: Yes, hire back the people who jumped ship from Medal of Honor in the first place.

@Xebu: That didn't actually work for most people. In fact I'm willing to bet that had you gotten a trophy it would have broken again.

@Psudonym: But it's not a leap year.

@Vamplosion: Tell that to the people who shit bricks when Live goes down for a day.

@BeerManMike: Rather don't use it on the last day of Feb except once every four years. It's not a leap year now.

@emorottie: Ubisoft doesn't own Prince. Prince owns Prince.

@huginn: You missed the point. There isn't a playoff option because of how tightly the leagues controll their properties.

@Pretty Sneaky Sis: Being tasteful has nothing to do with political correctness.

@Special Agent Bachman: There was a point in time when it was the other way around. They used to test out new tech on the NCAA series.

@Tamirel: There is a rather long period in time before the game goes to master when everything is hands off and they can't add anything new to the game. Instead of twiddling their thumbs waiting for bugs to fix they made this and the other DLC.

@ddarkly: Really? The planets in Mass Effect all looked the same, just viewed through different filters. Same boring terrain populated by the same boring buildings. I explored every planet and did all the side missions in ME1 but I tell everyone who hasn't finished it to just skip them.

@godmodeON: He's been best friends with J.J. Abrams since childhood.

Multiplayer maps are probably the worst pre-order incentive ever. Great way to automatically fragment the online community.

@chorx: yea.... Right.

@MonkeyBiz: There are deep changes in the kernel archetecture.

@myslead: More people than have twitter accounts, that's who.

@MonkeyBiz: What about Home Groups, Libraries, Jump Lists, Aero Peek, improved handling of UAC, and a billion other things that happen behind the scenes?

@MonkeyBiz: Umm yeah. This is so wrong I can't even comment on it...