

@josh6135: Instead of just flailing around your living room, you will be flailing around your living room with a sex toy.

@vincepavey: This is hillarious. Picard a generic action hero? Hardly.

@amg0D: I own ~20 year old games. Guess what? I never play them. Even if the hardware was available I probably still wouldn't play them. And guess what you can still play original Xbox games, you just can't play them over live.

@dsectric: Sued? They wouldn't get sued for running a commercial for a gay dating service.

@maureliuswolf: Not on CBS, people would think there was a new CSI

@djruden: How would Double Dash not be possible?

I'll have to disagree. Bayonetta was just serious enough to keep me interested. If it hadn't taken itself at least a little seriously I wouldn't have cared about the characters. At the same time if it had taken itself a little more seriously then my suspension of disbelief would have been out the window.

@Y-bot: Hah. It might have a mic, but no way will it have internet everywhere without a phone plan. And it definitely won't be $800

@Pious_Augustus: The 360 doesn't have Bluetooth. Looks like you need to do your own research.

@Tre_Green: Because they can't piss off the retailers who carry their hardware.

@Seyasb: Serial numbers were never single use. They just couldn't ne running on more than one PC at a time.

@JahB: Louisville for one.

@NightMystic: No kidding. I to make some rough decisions. This makes it much easier.