
The world is not ready to accept robosexuals.

@B_NiN3: Using zeitgeist often makes one a douche.

How many bad days can one guy have?

@DorkimusPrime: If anything, Borderlands has taught me that rocket surgery isn't that hard.

@BelgianBadger: Yeah, I'm not sure what he's talking about there either. I can run stretch plays out to the right until the cows come home. Hell, I usually get more yards there then I do running up the gut.

@deanbmmv: It's called football because it's not Polo, which is played on horses.

@Shenta: Um, all companies are in it to make money. Seriously, how stupid are you?

@irish_boy90: click the images. There's a write up on each to the right of the image.

@neojam: So easily? It took a subpoena and three to four months before they responded. Sounds to me like they deliberated for a while before deciding to release the info to the police.

@Furysetzer: Except that a bajillion Final Fantasy games have come out between now and then.

@McWarrior: Rupert "take my sites off Google" Murdoch sane?

@Malloc: Nope. The multiplayer portion will be it's own game. An MMO actually.

@DeathByDrum: They seem to be concentrating on SC2 fairly well.

@Norellicus: 4e was definitely designed with the intention of the players using a battle mat. It doesn't really work without it. Too many ranges and movement specific abilities. 4e takes D&D back to it's roots in miniature wargaming.

@i.roboto: THAC0 is retarded. Negative AC is better? Really? Talk about counter-intuitive.

@Fluorine: Umm, why would you roll a d12 for saves? Saving throws have always been d20.