
@technical_ta: About a month away, unless you pre-order Nuts & Bolts and then you'll get it two weeks earlier.

Here's the question. Would you willingly give someone money to make a game that makes fun of you? While it obviously depends on how it makes fun and your own sense of humor it's fair to say that you probably wouldn't want to do it. Even more so you wouldn't want somebody else to give your moeny to someone to make a

@ShadowOdin: Don't worry, it's just a retarded meme.

@JAGJEET: Pigs aren't sacred in Islam

Just a quick note. Be careful if you pay by credit card. Good Old Games is based in Poland and you may incur a charge for making a foreign transaction.

Your Mom's a Classy Lady!

@TheMurderer: Do yourself a favor and check out Tomb Raider Legend. It was an excellent game that really brought the series back to its roots while still feeling fresh and new.

That would be the "yea" side of the board.

@nousemercenary: Kind of hard for an avatar of a person to not look like a different avatar of a person. Clearly Nintendo stole the idea from Second Life.

@Mact: I'm sorry, I read the internet too much and tend to gloss over typos, misspellings, and omitted words.

@Mact: Nobody puts Reggie in a corner!

@DorkimusPrime: "But for it to be a third platform, it'd need to play games that the regular DS can't, I guess?"

Looks like a guilty pleasure. I've wanted a gun shell for my Wii and if it's a Nerf gun too then it's not a total waste.

@Bandicoot: Fairly sure that it's Blind Guardian given that their name is in the credits.

@Cappy: Yep, says so right at the end of the video.

@ilCardinal: Not when the screw allows access to user servicable batteries.

@tehbighead: You forgot wildly inaccurate. Those mass produced muskets and balls weren't the most reliable of weapons.

God that was an awful list... The sperm conversation in Magna Cum Laude? How about the whole fucking game? Any number of DoA moments would be better on the list.

@fragilenin: It's funny because people cite the lack of fees as a perceived advantage for PSN. No one seemed to believe that Sony would ever charge for online play.

@Lixie: They benefit the gamer because the press gets to write articles without having to worry that they will be scooped because every outlet will be able to run the story at the same time. No one gets rushed into writing a sub-par story.