
@AuraHACK: You don't seem to understand what an embargo is or what they are for. In most cases embargoes are for previews of a game where different news outlets get to look at a game at different times, instead of giving an outlet preferential treatment they put an embargo on the preview until after everyone has

@outofreach: Clearly you don't understand how things work. In nearly every major gaming news outlet the editorial department is entirely separate from the advertising department. Yes I know there was a problem with Gamespot but is that a problem with journalism or a problem with Gamespot?

@DashTheHand: Because we'd want a Jackass in the lead role instead of an Oscar caliber actor...

@nocode: Actually the game makers took photographs and turned them into comic book panels which is closer to the look of Sin City the film than Sin City the comic book.

@GrandfatherParadox: That's a bit of an overstatement. There's a difference between drawing insparation from a published work and lifting from a screenplay submitted to you. There's a certain trust you place in someone when you submit your ideas while when you publish a work you are aware that letting go of your ideas

@Dappa: EA had nothing to do with this choice.

@DarkGildon: Like any other Microsoft published game it's far from a foregone conclusion that it'll come out on PC.

@BritBloke916: You do know that Turing was prosecuted for being homosexual and that it may have lead to his apparent suicide?

@Dappa: Dig deeper, this is the internet for Christ's sakes. The methodology for the survey is very clearly laid out in the Corporate Equality Index itself (PDF link). Try and look for your information before you write something off as shit.

@Rebochan: That's what we like to call equal opportunity employment.

Jesus. That's a bad screenshot from god knows what media and god knows when in development. It could be a magazine scan from early alpha or a shot from a crappy youtube video. To judge a game and a developer based on a single screen shot you have to be a real asshole. Besides, didn't you see that you get to fight a

@UltimateIdiot: Already a multi-platform development project so that's not going to happen.

It's not like Golden Axe was an especially colorful series to begin with.

The Buffyverse is just more fleshed out than Firefly/Serenity as far as an MMO goes. I mean there are six more seasons to draw from plus some of the mythology established in Angel and the comic books.

@Black-Dog-Howls: I think you greatly under-estimate the popularity of a game like Fallout 3 in Japan. Oblivion sold quite well in Japan even before the official Japanese language version came out.

@Ajey: You mean if you love shitty netcode lagging you out of games and kekekekeke then you'll love Gunbound.

Schwag is low grade pot. Swag is loot.

@ramenite: Plus the Trib isn't a very good paper.

@AndreasDahl: When you play an online action game like Warhawk the host (or server) can fudge things if someone has a poor connection. In the grand scheme of things in these games what your opponent is doing from second to second isn't all that important. With good net code and prediction algorithms you probably won't

Negra Modelo. A fine Vienna lager. Great example of the rich Austrian brewing heritage Mexico has. No, I'm not kidding.