
@DevCo: One would presume that when someone is gay they are indeed gay forever.

Excellent article. I think it's safe to say that she has every right to be concerned, it's just that her concerns aren't justified.

@karasu is my homeboy: Not everyone looks like that in Gears. Baird has much smaller arms. In fact all of the Gears characters have their own fairly unique proportions. Not everyone is built like Cole.

@Tonx: IGN UK didn't get the first review of MGS4. Eurogamer has one out too. As do a number of other outlets.

@jihadjoe343: It's an IGN UK review not IGN propper.

@interstate78: Bullshit. Reviewers usually take value in consideration when they hand out scores. It's not like they aren't aware that games cost money. Getting a game for free can be an advantage for a reviewer because they don't feel the need to justify the moeny spent on the game. I know plenty of people who have

@UltraMagnus: "I frown upon telling paid customers what they should do with the product they are paying for."

Seems to be missing that classic Tecmo Bowl music...

The vaccum has a very low center of gravity compared to it's height. It's practically a freaking weeble. Combine that with the light weight of modern vaccums and it's no wonder that the balance board had trouble.

@Toasticus: The follow-up was just as good if not better (at least on the Dreamcast). Rayman 2 is an amazing game that everyone should play. It's games like this, Prince of Persia, and Beyond Good and Evil that allow me to keep my faith in Ubisoft.

@Sparx: You don't get it. Home has to be some sort of a game or else it's worthless. Hell, it's beyond worthless, it's the equivalent of Microsoft BOB.

Needs moar flying penis!

@Shiryu: And why would we care? If they don't get it it's their problem. I for one am looking for Sexy Randal the Pharaoh Wizard

If you want more one-liners and witty comments up there then nominate them damnit!

I'm not sure that this counts as taking time out of his busy schedule. If anything this is just part of his schedule since the game is done and now it's just promotion. The nice thing is that he's doing something outside of Japan.

The backtrack feature sounds fairly awesome. Hopefully it'll have some telistrator action to maintain a seemless presentation (but knowing Madden it won't). There are ton's of times in football games where you have "what the fuck happened to me there" moments. I'd love to see how a linebacker got to my QB or how a

@H8ff0000: Ah, but would you push the fat man?

@jayntampa: They have a point though. There's no context given and the simple act of naming the game "Execution" pushes the player down the "wrong" path. Morality is never such a binary decision. Actions may have consequences but the consequences we are shown aren't all that heavy. The ultimate consequence is that we

@kentmx25: To be fair Epic did demo the game at a Microsoft event. Demo doesn't just mean something you can download. There's not really anything factually wrong with the article.