
They are right those graphics are so goddamn realistic. I can hardly tell the difference between the Locust in game and the one who pops up from the emergence hole in the neighbor's yard every day to go to work. Maybe I have been playing too much Gars because by god I almost took the hedge trimmer to his shoulder

@phicaluk: Bullshit. They CAN influence the retail price through sugested retail pricing and through wholesale prices. What they can't do is tell retialers and distributers to "charge this price or else."

@PsionicMonkey: Generally speaking the likeness of a gun isn't enough to sue over. It looks like King of Swords is attaching the Beretta name not the airsoft gun manufacturer.

@Bluecell: Or you could have just followed the link...

@waza: Hey man, we don't take too kindly to that kind of language.

@laencythe: The FTC doesn't care if EA would have a monopoly on sports games any more than it cares if Post has a monopoly on rasin bran. I hate to say it, but it's true. It only presents an unfair barier to entry in the sub-field of sports games not in the field of games as a whole.

This is exactly the kind of space game I have been wanting to play. Seems perfectly suited to the DS as well. I await moving pictures.

@Druffmaul: Nope. You got it wrong. June 12th 1998.

@ali_g_84uk: expanding the visable area would change the gameplay dynamic. The camera is designed to zoom in and out depending on the proximity of the fighters to one another and expanding the screen would take alot of work to avoid messing that up. Basically expanding it to widescreen would take more work than it's

Somehow I find this better than a sleeve full of ridiculous looking dragons and Chinese characters that you think you know the meaning of. At least the tattooed person has a (presumably) close connection to the subject matter.

Next to Nude Maker, Platinum Games sounds like a brilliant name. Seriously though, who gives these things the go-ahead? Platinum Games sounds like one of those budget title publishers and Nude Maker sounds like a game from Illusion Soft.

@agies: Christ, I do a good job making my point and then I write "that is the guy who voice..."? Should be voices or voiced. Goddamnit...

@Atheist Jew: Is it Harlem or South Central? The two places are separated by almost a whole country and don't exactly share the same dialect.

@SAKY: also wonder if this game will run at 30fps or 60fps, it's hard to play anything but the silky smooth COD4 which was 60fps.

@Atheist Jew:Starcraft doesn't take place on Earth and yet there are plenty of southern accents. Do you have a problem with that?

@Komrade_Kayce: "Its stuff like this that makes me look at my PC and the little piracy light go off in my head. I've been a huge fan of PA for years now, and this feels kind of like they are putting it in my bum."

@Ma1agate: Because that's the way the player made the character.

I don't know why it hasn't been said already, but it's obvious that Ubisoft is porting MGS4 to the 360. Konami said that they wouldn't do it temselves but they never said that they wouldn't outsource it.

@raddishs: Wii ware didn't even launch until the day after Mother's Day. You were going to be late giving Dr. Mario anyway.