
@Jilkon: How about the part where Kojima went off the deep end starting with the "evil hand"? Then you have the "brilliant" fact that MGS2 is a rehash of MGS which is a rehash of MG:SS. I hear that 3 was good, but 2 irreparably soured me on the whole series.

@Killtacular: A 10 does not mean the game is perfect. Just like 5 stars doesn't mean the Hotel is perfect, 4/4 stars doesn't mean the movie is perfect, or an A+ doesn't mean your paper is perfect. It means the game achieves a high level of excellence that usually isn't seen. It doesn't mean that a better game can't

The concept is great but the actual game is probably awful.

Since it's for a single platform the Halo 3 sales are still impressive. I mean it made more than half as much on a smaller install base.

@El-Suave: God of War 3 won't move any more systems than Ninja Gaiden II will. Both are games that skew heavily to the hardcore audence that has already bought consoles.

Here's the thing. I'm not sure that certain portions of Wii Fit are intended for children. For a child that age and height 92 pounds might be fine, but for an adult it may be too much (probably not though). One also has to consider if the proper calibration was used. Was she wearing heavy clothes but selected the

Temple of Doom isn't a very good movie. I loved it as a kid, but after watching it again I've realized how Anglo-centric and xenophobic it is. People in India are either starving or death cultists that eat monkey brains. I know that part of this is the nature of the pulp insparation but it's just not done well.

Sony does have a good year lined up, but I'm not sure it's anything amazing. For every big exclusive Sony has MS has one too. All I'm saying is that the gap between the consoles isn't going to widen in either direction.

I don't know why I'm bothering to write this since the people I'm addressing won't bother to read it. The point is that Fallout 3 (yes, it's a Fallout game too bad if you lost the license) can't be "dumbed down" because it is being developed for consoles and PC simultaneously. The developers are trying to walk a line

I presume they will drop the Big label then?

All I had to do was call 1-800-4MY-XBOX. Microsoft's customer service was quite helpful despite the fact that I moved between the first call and the return. This is more than I can say about Dell technical support.