
"Snatch on Crackle doesn't pop"

Totally agree, I think the kid is great.

Episode 1 and 6 were too much, too fast. There was no organic buildup, it was like they just tried to jam in every idea they could because they had only two mythology episodes to do it. It felt cliched. And this time around, it feels like they're giving credence to paranoid conspiracy theories, whereas in the old days

Yeah, but this juxtaposition is brilliant, not lazy.

I guess still emo, but emo seems to be pretty dead as a cultural/music/fashion trend.

I don't. Well, emo is pretty much dead now and even so, I never understood emo hate. They seem pretty harmless.

I can't believe that someone thinks "emo" is a relevant insult in 2015.

Don't forget Brian Lowry at Variety. His meat looks like it will be well-marbled and succulent.

Well, he's a Republican, so playing a rich, selfish man-child is not a big stretch for him.

As in, that's a chimpanzee. Chimps are apes, not monkeys.

That's not a monkey.

Yes, every rape accusation is true. People should be assumed guilty. Thanks for the tip.

Alien fetuses?

Speak for yourself, NBC is the home of Hannibal. NBC lets them do pretty much whatever they want, and keeps on renewing them. I love you NBC.

Annoying, but still innocent.

I don't know if I will have lost all faith in this show, but I will be extremely displeased. Savagely murdering a defenseless, innocent woman in cold blood is illogical for this situation and far too immoral for Will. Let's hope he simply restrained Freddie, explained everything to her (as he said he would do), then