
Matt, your persistence in this thread and throughout the site always amazes me, and I commend you for not backing down.  I hope you know it’s appreciated. 

You’re replying to a comment that contains these stats from the BBC:

Here’s the problem:

In fairness, I think Giant Meteor won in 2016. Every time I see the nuclear football behind Trump I’m reminded that the president has unilateral power to launch nukes at any time.

Vote #GiantMeteor2020. Time to end this species. 

If they just made a few dozen thousand well publicized arrests of these kind of idiots for the next few years I think the problem would get a lot better.

If only “trump was lying” mattered anymore.

So you don’t work there and have no idea what you’re talking about. Got it.

Hahahahahahahahahahah *breath* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Except they have to add it to the banned list because Teams is so goddamned awful that no one would use it if they had ready access to Slack.

Maybe Rudy Giuliani is in charge?  

No, this is obviously the 400 pound man in his parents’ basement.

Why weren’t these files encrypted?

I want to see that marketing material, because that's what sold this shit idea

I’m glad I browsed the comments before posting the same thing. I might have been sued for copying the same information. 

Hello Kitty

Imagine this happening in China, but with a cartoon bear filter.

Cartograpers use the same sort of trap to catch map copycats, which led to the strange case of Agloe, an imaginary town that became real for awhile, like Brigadoon.