
Ancient Thinking:
This pickling brine made my vegetables last longer! I have discovered the secret to immortality!

Since it was found in a tomb, I’m gonna guess it didn’t work.

probably urine. biggest joke from a dead troll, ever.

It is a country with a very extremist Wahhabi population with an alliance/understanding with the Kingdom of Saud. SA is a very, very extremist place outside the kingdom ISIS-level extremist.

Swipe right with STALKR....

Perhaps if the US would refuse to do business with Saudi Arabia until they changed their policies I’d be upset with Google, but as long as SA gets all the sweet military hardware to bomb the crap out of civilians the app is a long way down on the list of things to do.

Now hang on. They recently appointed Princess Reema bint Bandar as their first female ambassador to the US.

I work for a large software company that operates in very secure environments first off.

Surprise! Facebook sells user data on your child to Palantir, Umbra Data, the U.S. and Israeli militaries and associated mercenaries and quasi-private contractors, and a wide variety of other unsavory and dangerous people as a regular basis. In fact, it’s their core business model.  Is anyone surprised that they want

Help! I need some direction right now. I’m in a real quandary.

I was just thinking “Man, it’s been weeks since I’ve read a ‘Facebook Does Something Evil’ article,” now here we are! Good to know the natural order is still what it is. Also, fuck Facebook.

Hahaha, 30% cut AND they retain rights to your IP in perpetuity?

Didn’t say it was, did say that just saying “coup” a lot in relation to opposition to Maduro isn’t a fair reading of the situation.

Both of these things can be true: that we bear responsibility and that Maduro is a piece of shit. 

“They were reportedly in the process of interviewing Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro when Maduro had them detained because “he didn’t like the questions,” Univision said. They have since been released.”

But ya know, none of this would be happening if it wasn’t for America. We made Maduro do this. He’s just so desperate to help his starving people that he’s taking extreme action in order to feed and provide for them.

Wow that Maduro is one bad hombre. Good thing we have champions of democracy like Donald Trump and Elliott Abrams ready to help the Venezuelan people. I can promise the people of Venezuela we will do for their country exactly what we did for the Iraqi and Afghan people. Oh yeah any of you Russian trolls that want to

Eh you never know. Would you feel comfortable taking instructions from doctors in Russian? The most dangerous thing is when a patient knows “Yes” or will nod when they don’t understand things. Even mostly knowing the language, but not understanding nuances or negation (if this, don’t do this, etc) can lead to medical

Doctor looking at screen: “This meme is hysterical.”

I have sooooooo many questions: