
I made tacos for dinner. They were good tacos. The trick is to fry the tortilla in a little bit of butter. Really brings out the flavor. 

Midget-sized goats, of course!

Midgets having sex with goats, or normal-sized people having sex with midget goats?

Woah woah, clarification please. Earlier in the article you say the proposed solution is to make the filesystem API work ALWAYS but just in a temporary virtual fashion in incognito. Which would be great for web developers because your site doesn’t break in incognito.

TIL: Mapquest is still a thing.

That linked tried to rape my browser, worse than anything kinja has done.

So what? They don’t weigh passengers. 1000 pounds over 200 passengers is 5 lbs. Now tell me the FAA has updated those passenger weight averages to account for the 20-30 pounds of obesity over the last 30 years. Because the mix of passengers in evacuation tests don’t reflect it.

You have it backwards. Fuel loads are determined based on what’s needed for the flight including alternates if necessary. Then passengers and cargo are added in to the mix. If necessary, they bump passengers and cargo to make the fuel work out. (Not typically an issue on the 73).

Sorry, folks, thought this was a Google search box. 

midget goat porn

I think the only thing I use Incognito mode for is development (fresh slate) and those rare times I read more than 3 articles or so a month from my local paper*, which really only happens because it pops up as a source on Google News. I think i used to use it for the Washington Post before I got a subscription?

I have become sexually attracted to my hand blender. How are the airlines going to accommodate MY needs?? Hah???

You won’t know the actual gender until you open the box.

Are You Fucking Serious?
“U”, “X” and “Mx.” aren’t a solution because those will soon become
biased, sexually offending and racist.

When are we going to be done with this meaningless bullshit
that leads nowhere, increasing costs for good and services to
accommodate the 1 out of a 10,000. Look, not every single person

I don’t have kids, and I prefer curvy brunettes.

I support non invasive security techniques but I have to wonder if Kanye and Katy Perry’s picture is on that system considering the “celebrity beefs” she has with them.

I fail to see the appeal of Taylor Swift.

I have no issues with non-invasive technology that does not impact the average concert goer’s enjoyment being implemented to protect someone from known stalkers and people who have expressed threats or intent to harm. 

As long as we’re declaring national emergencies...

I’m sure the wall would have prevented this.