
“a celebrity dying turns into an excuse for “look at me” on social media very quickly. Please let’s be dignified, respectful and sparing about it.”

So yet another historical inaccuracy of BF1? Color me (shell) shocked.

are you saying the middle east is not part of “the world”

Hmm, yes. Must be men that bought all of those copies of 50 Shades of Grey.

It’s a valid question.

Agreed on the latter points. Your first, good advice going forward, but what’s done is unfortunately done.

Might be cheaper to just come to North Carolina. We have at least one of these off highway 40. That said, there’s nothing else around there, really.

What would you have the west do? Serious question, what’s the plan here. We’re all ears.

The chick who licks donuts she hasn’t purchased is going to lecture me today? Nah, bruh.

yes, leftist rhetoric is so palatable to american voters that Debs got a whopping 6% of the vote at a time when unions were at their most influential. dems have to pretend to be moderate to get elected, THEN they can wreck shit with their stupid misguided but “well-intentioned” policies.

This is commonly repeated but kind of a dumb argument. Crimea was taken by the Russian Empire from the Turks, and it was populated by Tatars (Turks) who Stalin shipped off to Siberia. Although technically part of Russia, and never really part of Ukraine, it’s not like it was some integral part of the Russian nation

twitter, like reddit, is a private entity. the second amendment does not apply.


It’s a shame this comment is buried so deep in this page few will see it.

“Yes” means “no,” now?

the most entitled fanbase

Doesn’t it sort of defeat the purpose if you burn someone else’s bra?

This guy’s summary reads like an elitist “above-sports” nerdlinger making “witty” quips about “hand-egg” and “sports-ball.”

Yeah, maybe all these antiques just sank.

It’s pretty clear this guy wants the thrill of the chase, not just the sex. He wants something in-between “dating” and “straight up sex.” Prostitutes generally only provide the latter.