
The principal had no f*cks left to give. I salute him for the truth. This is how White supremacy works. It starts early in the education system.

Apropos of nothing, I really really wanted a Chris Cornell Jesus Christ Superstar.

Good for Vincent Adultman! So glad he made the move from doing a business to doing a fashion!

I’ve always thought of him as Dr. Emil Skoda, unit psychiatrist on Law and Order: Famous Ray’s Original.

I wish I was unaware of its existence. She turned into a ballad! A BALLAD! Sacrilege.

The results of my extremely scientific poll:

He’s basically the living embodiment of Eric Cartman.

I used to work in HR. I can tell you there are a million reasons a person might not be hired that have nothing to do with that person’s qualifications. The hiring process is full of dysfunction and drama and craziness and randomness and I can’t begin to list all the reasons I’ve seen great candidates get passed over.

Now playing

He could always release the new alternative ending:

Likewise with Hallelujah. Jeff Buckley’s cover exists; we do not need any more.