Agent Zeke Kelso


#1: "Zodiac" (although I won't kick w/"Mulholland Drive" at the top).

The first episode is bananas and I loved it. Hopefully this show is as wild all the way to the end. That bog dance sequence is one for the ages. More, more, more!

That entire sequence from the elevator to saving the cat in the tree is magnificent (& damn funny).

A priceless moment in "Superman" that perfectly sums up the film's goofy, cynical charm.

I just watched "Lethal Weapon" 1 & 2 for the first time in years. It's stunning how quick Riggs turns into a cartoon. He's a clown in the very first shot of 2.

That's what I thought this movie was. Might wait a little bit now.

I certainly don't begrudge anyone liking it (I'm one of six who liked "BvS").

Based on an Edward Bunker novel!

I, too, liked "BvS', but "Suicide Squad" is incompetent (& deadly dull) to the nth degree. The comparison to "Jaws: The Revenge" is apt.

"Suicide Squad" is an atrocity for the ages. The film equivalent of a trash covered bum screaming "What's up, bitch!?!?!" at you for two straight hours. For what I assume was a big budgeted movie, it looks like someone dusted off an old Cannon print from the 80's and released it "as is" today. A misfire on every

The Beach Boys "All Summer Long" playing out over the "American Graffiti" end credits. Haunting.

Besides the great stunt work it's a damn good romantic comedy. You pretty much see Burt & Sally Field fall in love onscreen. Some real right on moments between the two. Also, Jackie Gleason is great as the Sheriff.

Give the Governor harrumph!

"Lights Out" is damn effective. Jacques Tourneur would be proud.

"OJ: Made in America". I haven't seen "The People v. OJ" yet, but the ESPN documentary knocked me through a wall. A tremendous piece of work.

The best movie of the year is "O.J.: Made in America". Nothing could possibly be as riveting and it's 7 1/2 hours(!) long. So many shake your head moments in a film as epic as any James Ellroy L.A. crime novel (or ten "Easy" Rawlins novels). The film played a week in NY & LA to qualify for the Academy Awards so

When Ted Cruz is the "hero of conscience" for the week, well, we got trouble…right here in River City.

I don't think anyone made as crazed (& interesting) a "misfire" as the great John Boorman.

The MRA responses are dumbfounding. How do these fools get through a day in the 21st Century?