Agent Z

I don't know how people can still say this considering how the MCU started out.

Depp was the one who wanted the trial televised and dragged everything about their relationship into the public eye.

There is nothing to excuse. She wasn’t invited to the screening. You’re calling her an idiot for not attending an event she was not given permission to attend.

I’m seeing a lot more women and minorities in this than I did in most superhero movies from the 2000s.

They aren’t ridiculously powerful. Certainly not by the standards of superhero comics or even Reeves Superman.

Also, make it more human. Think part the reason The Marvels failed is that they are too powerful.

i’m curious how many ‘normal people’ care about fantastic four.

I saw plenty defending Blue Beetle. And I don't recall Snyder fans having much to say about it.

It never ceases to amaze me how much people who hate superheroes spend so much time talking about them instead of just watching something else.

Gunn does exactly what this article is complaining about.

Terrible? According to who?

They can also do what was done for years before the MCU existed and make movies and tv shows that aren't in the same universe.

Fitting image.

No one accused Kojima of manipulating Joosten.

You could have dressed Quiet in a Buzz Lightyear costume and it would be just as goofy as anything else in Metal Gear. But the people so valiantly defending her outfit in the game wouldn’t like that because they can’t imagine a female character existing if she isn’t designed to give them erections. Meanwhile, The Last

As if video game nerds even care about sex positivity.

Maybe because committing murders by the 1000s is actually relevant to the plot or gameplay but walking around in a bikini isn’t.

If these morons want to see real puritanism, they should try living in a country where Eternals and Lightyear get banned for gay characters kissing. Criticizing Kojima for a character who looks like she was drawn with the artist's hand shoved down their pants is nothing remotely like puritanism.

Puritanical doesn't mean what you think it means.
