Agent Z

Not from what I've seen.

Was Aniston doxxed or threatened? 

Meanwhile Republicans come up with short, pithy messages that speak to millions of people. It took them exactly three words to convince 70 Million Americans that Joe Biden stole the election. And it took them less than four months.

At least half the cases of the left “eating their own” is them holding their side to the same standards they hold others to. If they don’t, they get called hypocrites.

Yeah. I don’t get why people pretend it doesn’t exist. They chose to selectively frame it around celebrities who lose one or two contracts and then just keep working so they can disingenuously pretend it’s not real.

No one takes it seriously because more often than not, the people whining about cancel culture range from people who have simply said or done inadvisable things that they got dragged for to relative degrees of justification to those guilty of outright criminal behavior. When the person yelling about a wolf is the

I've never needed to. I also have never killed anyone.

Laws don’t work as a deterrent, they never have.

I remember Mimi from Days of our Lives having an abortion. Though it ended up costing her her relationship

Halle Bailey didn’t come out and bash the original film

Cheetah Girls is a movie produced by Disney where the titular characters sing a song mocking not just Snow White but Cinderella as well. Both Zegler and Disney are fully aware of the reputation Snow White has.

It didn't.


If Disney weren’t already so rich, I’d suggest these guys cut the company a check for how much money they’ve made from bashing them.

They’re calling her ungrateful based on comments she’s made about Snow White that people have been saying for years. Even Disney dissed Snow White in the first Cheetah Girls movie. 

So what Disney has always done for the most part. Funny how people suddenly have an issue with their "lack of originality" now.

This has nothing to do with Snyder.

You do know that Disney hasn't just been doing remakes these past years, right?