Non Mario movies get made every day. Go watch them instead of treating this one movie as a the end of the world.
Non Mario movies get made every day. Go watch them instead of treating this one movie as a the end of the world.
The fans aren't the ones acting like this movie's mere existence is the end of the world.
Ignoring this problem is how it became normalized in the first place. Don't feed the trolls is easy to say when you're not the one targeted by the trolls.
This isn't remotely like any of those two.
Don’t feed the trolls is easy to say when one isn’t the target of the trolls.
They were fine with it when the woman were written and/or drawn to appeal to their desires. It isn't a coincidence that the vitriol towards Carol Danvers skyrocketed when Marvel put her in an outfit that covered most of her body and started pushing her as a major character.
There is rape in Kill Bill but it isn't shown on screen.
Do you even know what’s in these documents?
leaking data is a heroic act.
You started this thread in an article about Elizabeth Holmes. I don’t know what you expected.
Okay, it is not just you, lots of people are doing this so maybe it’s my fault. But the third sentence of my post is about the broader harms, and it follows two sentences that are critical of Holmes and her behavior. I genuinely am confused as to how so many people think I’m defending Holmes specifically.
We are talking specifically about Elizabeth Holmes, not every single person who has been incarcerated. Maybe save this sympathy for someone who deserves it.
That’s assuming an innocent person is being hurt in this case.
Know what else hurts innocent people? Giving them false medical tests.
I think you and I saw a very, very different movie.
It will torture antiwokes and people who liked the original forever.
Now it's the antiwokes having the meltdown.
They’re not so much going to bat for Disney as they’re acknowledging the predictable reaction of certain people.
I watched that show. It was not good. It’s own poor quality got it cancelled.