Agent Z

Their chemistry was fine to me.

They’ve always been here.

I didn’t make anything up. Not every show that gets cancelled is due to ratings.

Hollywood is afraid of losing money and relevance, which is why they put put nonsense like this - it courts controversy and gets a easy exposure.

Eelitism doesn't mean what you think it means.

TMNT has two critically acclaimed films and four others that are either hated or forgotten. Gargoyles was acclaimed and would have gotten more seasons if not for issues behind the scenes.

If you say so. I've never seen The Piano.

That... isn’t what prudish means.

Quality and quantity are two different things.

What’s the joke?

She doesn’t have to go to prison to be prevented from profiting from her fraud, nor does putting her in prison prevent her from profiting from her fraud.

Okay, it won’t lead to others facing consequences. Holmes isn’t facing consequences because she’s some uniquely harmful person who has to be put away for the good of society. She’s facing consequences because she was a high-profile darling of the tech world who was on the cover of major magazines, and we love a good

I’m just suggesting that maybe some of the rhetoric that tends to paint Holmes as a uniquely evil person, an “absolutely evil” “monster” who is so ghoulish her children would inevitably be harmed, maybe ignores the degree to which just such sociopathic behavior in pursuit of profit is often excused, if not rewarded.

Yeah, I base my opinion on whether or not a person belongs in jail on what I know of them. I can acknowledge when the justice system screws up and when it gets it right.

What does locking her up solve or fix?

No one is policing anyone’s reproductive choices and this is not about the motivations of every single in jail who has ever gotten pregnant. People are cynical about this one particular woman who has already resorted to nefarious means to avoid paying for her crimes.

In this case, a child that is separated from Holmes is not suffering harm. 

Arguing that a woman who is already in jail for fraud that ruined several lives and likely conceived a child as a ploy to garner sympathy and get out of jail is putting in more thought than a kneejerk reaction of misguided sympathy for her.

This kid has one incarcerated parent who conceived it knowing she would go to jail, likely with the intent of using said pregnancy as a ploy to avoid incarceration. Keeping this child away from Holmes is the best thing to do for them.

Wanting to punish Holmes is not the same thing as wanting to punish everyone who breaks the law.