agent scully

It's completely impactical and an absurd expectation when you're being drowned out in hate.

The video game media tried their damndest to ignore this same subset of assholes (probably the very same individuals) when they were responsible for Gamergate and guess what? It didn't help and only functioned as a form cowering to them. Ignoring harassers is a popular, but shit idea.

I loved this episode.

Yup, those people getting any satisfaction whatsoever ruins any schadenfreude over Gawker's demise.

I don't disagree. My feelings about this whole Gawker issue are pretty complicated and contradictory.

There are infinitely better, less slimy feminist blogs, but I don't think we need less of those. They do need to improve and expand upon their mostly white feminism, though.

They are very clueless when it comes to race and intersectionality in general.

I don't regularly read either and Jezebel does fucked up things, but I do feel like a lot of people hate them for the wrong reasons (for being progressive and feminist, for example).

Okay, thanks.

The AV Club should feature this comment, as it is very important in our Univision-owned future.

I'm not sure, English is not my native language. I meant over the top.

The hatred for those particular sites is very overstated. Kotaku especially, since they are one of the few openly progressive sites about video games.

Nah, let's not understate the severity of death threats because of social media, that tends to help people rationalize them.

Loving the "What about the menz?" false equivalence (and rehash of that Suicide Squad article's abysmal comments section) and basically stating Brazil is not allowed to feel pride in our own goddamn shitty ceremony no one here even wanted (only the US is allowed to feel pride, of course) direction this comments

Sure, but no one is saying otherwise. I don't understand why this has to be made into a point every single time.

This is such shit. I'm rooting for her.

Yes, and it's very good.

If you repeat these lies about victims of Gamergate harassment, maybe they'll become true! Every single fucking time, this shit.

Once it gets posted on their subreddits or whatever (which is within minutes) they always swarm everything with their repetitive rethoric. Very hard to do anything about it other than fight back, block or ignore.

Gamergate has proven that debating those people never results in anything remotely useful or good. The fact-bending and sealioning tend to be out of control, however, and should be subject of study.