agent scully

If got a dollar for every time I have genuinely provided this information for people much like yourself (disturbingly so, what a strange coincidence), I would be slightly less poor. I won't waste my time with that again. Milo being a harasser and enabler of harassment and Gamergate being a harassment campaign are

Oh, you're a sealion! Disingenuously pretending you don't know what Gamergate or Milo have done is not something I can respond to without my head exploding, but you obviously don't actually want to know those things, so that's fine. I've already told you to fuck off back to Breitbart, but please fuck off back to

The dipshit horde seems to have arrived, prepare yourself for bizarre rationalizations of vile shit.

All of the above.

Fuck off back to Breitbart, 1 comment account.

Let's see, he is single-handedly responsible for the harassment of Leslie Jones through his army of 4chan garbage people, partly responsible for the harassment and death threats sent to hundreds of women through Gamergate, a hate movement in which he's a key figure. He also has repeatedly harassed women directly and

As usual, his goons (the same people with responsible for Gamergate) will whine and harass women for him. The anime avatars and sockpuppet accounts will be restless for a while after this — hopefully they get banned too (that's a bit much to expect from Twitter, though).

Fucking finally.

I'm glad this is a thing.

I absolutely loved this show. While it keeps the nostalgia pandering within reason, it's aesthetically a pitch-perfect recreation of what it's referencing. These credits are a big example of that, they are flawless.

The only way people use that phrase is with the intent of being dismissive.

Gentle Herpes is my first Disqus block! What a glorious day.

I just watched it for the first time. Holy shit, that's a good music video and compelling short film.

Music discussions on the AV Club can be… difficult (with the jaded references, memes and snark). Hopefully people find out about her through this.

"Happy" is such a great song. I discovered her recently and I'm really excited for the new album.

You slam the video for not solving rape, but this is the absolute opposite of helpful (as advice, psychoanalysis or otherwise).

Please, look at the facts in this specific real situation, not in some situation you've invented and prefer to talk about instead.

You've been ridiculously hyperbolic throughout this entire thread and several people pointed out to you that losing a gig is not losing her career. You choose to ignore that crucial fact because you REALLY want to paint this woman that did a stupid/vile thing as some kind of martyr.

Oh wow, you must be the smartest person in 8th grade. We do consciously make the choice to actively defend a rapist by blaming and denigrating their victim (through a letter send a letter to a judge, no less). This choice is despicable and worthy of contempt no matter how much you try to rationalize it.

Jeez, you're probably this sanctimonious towards everyone too.