agent scully

Because Pixar doesn't even release that many movies?

Because that's not a thing?

I love this song and its synths. Burn Your Fire For No Witness is an incredible record, so this should be good.

It's amusing to see someone with an anime avatar saying this (correct thing), since anime avatars on Twitter tend to be a sign of oncoming Gamergate/4chan/Trump horror. I support your effort in taking back anime avatars.

I'm gonna create a GUI interface in visual basic to track where all the ratings went.

Now the franchise technically doesn't exist anymore.

"most of the hackers who advertised themselves haven’t been suspended yet"

"James Van Der Beek’s Agent Elijah Mundo" Wait, that's the name of his CSI Cyber character? It sounds like satire from a Don't Trust the B episode.

I love how these movies even bother with the timeline bullshit when it makes zero sense from any perspective.

It probably wouldn't help at all if he didn't promote the game when it's at peak interest (it would be incredibly stupid to miss the opportunity of being on Colbert, though), because as history has shown, gamers don't need reasons to send people death threats. Your point is fine, but the victim blaming tone I could do

This one was good. That douche lost (his self-brushing still gives me shivers, don't tell me I'm too judgemental), and the other contestants were pretty good. Loved The X-Files lady.

"False narrative" Please actually read the shit people are saying about Cameron Esposito and don't be an asshole to Waffle.

And that part is fine. Not liking someone's comedy is not saying vicious things about their sexuality and appearance (and their right to talk about those things) every time their name comes up, as happens on this site.

Okay then.

Good, your opinion has proof. I can rest easy now knowing that Cameron Esposito objectively sucks and it has nothing to do with talking about being a lesbian in public, even though that seems to be people's problem with her.

Please don't be condescending. I know and have acknowledged those things, my issue is with the part of the commentariat that does seem to have a problem with that.

I'm not in any way, shape or form talking about that.

I'm very familiar with Breitbart, thank you. Also, lesbian comedians don't work through Highlander rules, more than one can exist and get attention at the same time.

Yes, and a brigade of people will immediately show up to defend him and most of that comments section is about how amazing he is and about Louie or that other show of his.

Some of the snark veering into barely disguised homophobia is troubling.