agent scully

They are pretty much publicly gaslighting her. It's disgusting.

I love when people say this as if Dr. Luke has nothing to do with Kesha's music or her pop star persona.

Herself, by creating new accounts, apparently.

It was Jessica again. *sighs*

Her usual shtick, only more deranged.

You deservedly got banned. Don't create a new account. Go away. (Please flag her.)

That's not the first time she said weird shit like that to me. She seems to be banned now (all her comments on this thread are deleted). That took way too long, but I'm happy with the outcome.

It's like talking to a brick wall. Most of them are completely lacking in human empathy, towards women particularly. I admire people that try to earnestly argue with the randos, but I'm long past that kind of patience or tolerance for reading the same dismal garbage over and over.

If only it had never started.

If hoping you get IP banned is being friends, you're my BFF.

People that comment on Breitbart/National Review aren't our best and brightest? Color me shocked.

Sometimes I wonder if you're a troll or sincerely wrong about every single thing in the world.

It's always the same depressing shit.

I wonder how the Disqus drive-by rape apologists (and some regulars) are gonna manage to try and spin/victim blame this one.

A comment by Jessica Hinch, age 6.

Timeless seems to have great production values and cast, but the trailer dialogue is atrocious and the premise is sort of confusing. At least NBC is picking up genre shows, though.

A large swath of the AV Club readership doesn't seem to understand comics or what furries are. I like this feature, it's quaint and the art is pretty.

Oh god, you're the worst.

Yes, I'm a big dumb meanie to racist xenophobes.

Damn right, I don't care what Trump supporters have to say.