agent scully

The fact that you are making a thinly veiled attempt at seeming reasonable while publicly and effusively supporting a racist piece of shit whose entire campaign is predicated on racism and xenophobia is pretty relevant to this discussion.

Trump supporter, what a surprise.

I'm sure you would have been positively excited about this otherwise, since almost every single other comment you've ever made is defending Donald Trump. Please don't coat your racist shit in "concern" for the way minorities are treated by Hollywood.

Oh sorry, you're just saying you can't see this movie if it has black people in it and predicting the type (!) of black people that are gonna be cast. White people only star in almost every single movie, you need to have this one too. Nothing terrible or reprehensible about that, no sir.

Acknowledging you're a drive-by asshole is the first step to stop being one.

I like her in everything I've seen her in and she's a great screen presence. Also, while I respect your opinion, don't act like this is a thing — I didn't see anybody complain about her role in season 3 nor call her acting cringe-worthy until now.

I suppose Katherine Heigl is more deserving of being given two shows in the span of a few years? Also, hell yeah I do think Laverne Cox can carry a show.

Yeah, this is a very CBS move all-around. Though just having Laverne Cox in this makes me more likely to watch it.

Last season she had another starring vehicle in State of Affairs, which… was not successful, surprising no one.

I don't hate her, but having Laverne Cox and relegating her to the supporting cast when she is a better actress that has been far more successful lately, in this decade even, is silly.

How does Katherine Heigl keep getting work without being in anything successful or good in ages (nor elevating anything with her presence)? This Doubt thing should be Laverne Cox's own show.

I quit this show on the last season (though I did watch the finale, and yikes), but I'd watch this in a heartbeat.

You're my favorite commenter.

And true love waits
In ElDan's basement
*downvotes self*

Makes sense, the recent changes in ABC's management must have helped the Marvel purge as well.

Yes, giving both albums a similar arbitrary grade is exactly like saying True Love Waits is just as good as All About That Bass or Dear Future Husband or that despicable Marvin Gaye song she was involved with.

Truly, truly outrageous.

Why does ABC keep greenlighting these AoS spin-offs only to pull the plug on them a few months later? They are probably motivated by corporate synergy, but it's not like they don't know going in that Agents of SHIELD is not and will never be a hit.

I got excited for John Teti's fake money when Olly died.

Oh, another thing you dislike for no reason? What an unpredictable world we live in.