agent scully

Aw, I was tired and not feeling up to this conversation.

I like you too.

I have heard this "TERFs don't exist" stuff from people that fill every single criteria in the TERF handbook — cartoonishly transphobic people who don't accept trans people's gender and pronouns and say horrible, ignorant stuff about chromosomes, vaginas and intersex people. It's a load of shit.

You were super condescending and rude to Penny while arguing literal nonsense that can be disproved with a Google search, don't pretend I owe you any respect.

Oh god, this nonsense. I'm obliged see these bags of shit and their earnest transphobic, poisonous beliefs on Twitter all the goddamn time, so shut the fuck up.

As a feminist who believes in intersectionality, TERFs are utter and absolute trash. All of them.

I'm sure you're right and that's fucked up, but it's not a phenomenon I've ever witnessed (with intersectional feminists, at least, god knows what kind of garbage TERFs think).

They sure hate LGBTQIA people being "shoehorned" (read: existing in a fictional world) in their perfect cis straight white guy media, though. See: the video game industry, or rather, don't.

Not anymore.

We still can. Misogynistic hate is not lighthearted good fun, though. In every comments section about this movie people implicitly conflate those two things.

On "Drone Bomb Me"? That's Naomi Campbell, I was pretty surprised by that.

I forgot about the NSA and the whistle blower issue (which is what the Obama song is about), that might be his worst moment. Anyway, we disagree on the larger point about Anohni and her outlook being naive, but you're right about the complexity of these issues.

I think that has a perfectly clear meaning, she feels like she wasn't giving these social issues attention in a vibrant, dynamic way.

I don't disagree. However, he did undeniably use the language of hope, change and progress to get elected and there are ways in which his presidency was more than inert, but actively harmful to the world. He didn't change much when it comes to issues like foreign policy and climate change, Guantanamo is still open,


You can't blame me for guessing what you're saying when what you said is incredibly vague and means nothing.

The criteria of sucking slightly less than most?

Obama is probably one of America's best presidents ever (which is not a great accomplishment, since they are mostly terrible), but I think her point is that Obama campaigned and fully benefited from the idea of hope and change and then proceeded to have a presidency that actively made things worse for an enormous

If by naive you mean not completely cynical and believing in people's humanity, I think being naive is a virtue.

I've been looking forward to this for a while. She's amazing and "Drone Bomb Me" is probably the best song of the year so far (though I did like the new Radiohead single a lot).