
Where’s my Pikachu Google home speaker?

Came to say the same. Good I looked first. Mind definitely blown.

I’d buy it.

I second this.

If all the coverage I’ve seen, I haven’t had this question answered in clear terms.

I remember the first time I heard the High And Driving demos. Glad these songs made it out of the closet with the release of Avalon.

I don’t like the feel of raw meat. The bloodiness if it all. Nah. I went vegetarian 10 years ago and never looked back.

Whatever gets me closer to the “Weeds phone” I’m game

Wait, Disney is also getting FX the channel too? I don’t doubt it, it’s just that I hadn’t heard that or even thought about that as a factor.

Saw this earlier this year. So good. Made me feel the way I felt the first time I saw Idiocracy. It’s much smarter though. I’ll see it again opening weekend.

now I’m gonna listen to Details by Frou Frou.

Activated on Verizon’s network. It’s a locked phone. I wonder how that works when someone tried to buy a Google Pixel from Best Buy.

This. Always remember THIS.

I think the issue in the guys letter was honestly he want prioritizing his present over his past. True I think she was being unreasonable, he could’ve taken steps. Introduced them to each other and think about the things you say to her before you say them. I mean if you cared, it’s a small effort. It’s something I

My absolute favorite version of this song. Honestly, imho, better than the original.

Apple devices are beautifully made. Aesthetics. But on the software side there’s a lot to be desired that Android provides. Many Android phones are not just as good as you put it. Most of them downright suck. But the Nexus/Pixel devices are very good. In my opinion they have always been better than the Apple phone

I’ve never felt wealthy, until reading your comment.

For also out you can get the Chromecast audio and hook that up to what ever unit you please. For Bluetooth out there’s no solution. But I’m happy with my options.

I keep them because I eventually go back to the old stuff. Not often but with enough titles whirling in my head I’ll go and but ones I’ve given away in the past. This year I got a Dreamcast and a GameCube. I play all of my old consoles a couple times a year.