
Doors are often unlocked. But cameras are always rolling. With a little patience and some thinking it out. Sit in a corner until everyone is gone. You’d be able to get safe combos just by observation. And walk out the back door.

Lol. If I could be invisible I’d totally be a thief. Not a feeling I’m proud of. If it matters I’d find a way to help people with the power too. Just after I help myself.

Can we get Nightmare Creatures remastered though.

Resident evil scared me a little. I was like 13 so I couldn’t be too scared but it definitely got me tense in the shoulders. And make me jump a few times. As a younger kid, my younger cousin was terrified by the death sound of the first X-Men game on Sega Genesis. To this day we make that sound when a situation is

Why is invisibility for creeps and pervs?

Or go invisible and take all the money out of the safe.

This is a good one. I like flight as it would make travel cheap and super convenient. And fun. Planes suck for me being 6'4" and built like a tight end. But invisibility, oh invisibility. It appeals to all of the “villainous” parts of me. Not being a creep though. Hard choice. I love it.


White Blood Cells - The White Stripes. This album sounds so much better on vinyl. I imagine it sounds closer to what they were going for.

White Blood Cells - The White Stripes. This album sounds so much better on vinyl. I imagine it sounds closer to what

What are your 3 favorite albums? You have good tastes, if I were to judge on what you post here.

In the play store I found it by searching Nintendo, going to miitomo then looking at other apps by the publisher.

Why does this show have so many good moments.

4 counting Dratini Dragonair and Dragonite and kingdra. I forgot about kingdra. I count the Dratini line as 1 pokemon. If there were any even you’d mostly encounter the base pokemon. Dratini. They may throw you a bone with horsea but Dragonair and Dragonite spend would be super rare. We’re a couple gens away from a

There’s only one dragon so far.

Still no. Nuke ownership had gone down on some platforms but has risen in others.

Thanks for writing up on this game. I was waiting until you guys said something that hopefully didn’t kill the little enthusiasm I have for this. I wasn’t expecting much from a mobile port but I’m glad to know it isn’t trash. Thanks.

The price isn’t that bad but I agree it should have more features. I’ve paid more for shittier games.

It’s not that bad honestly. Of you like SFII then it’s for you. The past that sucks is that motion controlled mode and controlling the game on general with the joycon, in grip or separately. It’s great with the pro controller though.

I don’t see how this plays out. I’m hoping they take a “Split” approach where Spidey doesn’t find out what’s been going on until the end. But how many times can they do this. Sounds like another Spider Man reboot is on the horizon.

This is probably the rightest answer.