
Fantastic book. Read it after the movie and maybe that helped me like it more. The movie was bad in comparison.

Right. Dr. Strange shilling yakult. I thought that shit made no sense. They’ll stick the face anywhere. Let’s​ hope she doesn’t take a sip of Dr pepper in the movie. Or blow up a neon thinkthin sign.

As an Los Angeles native (Compton actually) I got you.

Westchester/Inglewood royalty.

I liked them a lot... But they were no Glassjaw.

Most people have no idea what you’re talking about.

This. I kinda made it in my head that I was being one of those first album elitist.

Same. It actually makes for fun times with a bunch of people. Maybe even at a rooftop party.

So over call of duty games. I would’ve bought it had it come to the switch, just to have something different on the system. But nah. I’ll play it at my sister’s. It’s still one of her yearlies along with nba2k and Madden.

Thank you for this.

Needs more populous.

They should re release it on the Nintendo switch.

Alrighty. Doesn’t sound like that in Cali. At least not here in Compton. Didn’t mean to offend though.

Yes giant woman. I find myself singing that way more than I should be to myself. I want love like you. Please let this include a complete version of that song.

I’m asking which did you hear. There is a difference in usage, despite what people think. Btw I’m black. If that mattered. Maybe it’s the accent that makes it sound so much worse.

“They kicked that nigger hard as fuck in the face too.”Did anyone watch the video all the way to the end? Did I miss hear that hard R? This video seems like it’s just par for the course that’s the area. Is everyone racist in Columbus, Ohio?

It gets better when they learn to read. So much better.

So episode 74 went up on Google play. Thanks Jason.

The podcast didn’t go live on Google play music this week. 😖

Yes lawd!!!