
Until you see the issues in your job management, yes that’s all we’re doing.

It’s 1am and I’m lol for real. Awesome gif.

That’s always the biggest thing.

Whomever’s hands it ends up in, I hope it looks as good as the “Train On” commercials.

Nope nope nope.

I’m not even gonna try. Sounds way too hard.

You don’t have to do everything over again. Just awaken the crystals. Most of the boss battles are optional. Stories of the repetitiousness were way overblown.

Wait you can fight the wolf and save guy. That’s the bonus boss huh. I’m good. I had problems with the last fight with edeas dad and crew. What worked for me on the final boss was rise from the dead, rampart, and the spell that protects the whole party from status effects. Good luck.

Option hidden one? You talking about in the bonus dungeon. Or the one that gets you the legit ending. I’m talking the ending one. I had enough trouble with that. And some of the mixed up boss battles were too hard also. Maybe I suck at party building.

That’s fair. I’ve already preordered because I enjoyed the first, faults and all. Just wondering what you guys think of it.

I just finished it this year. It was satisfying to beat the final boss. Way OP. Get back on it.

Can’t wait for this one. Currently playing through the demo. When is the review going up?

Device manufacturer Android skins aren’t as user friendly as vanilla Android. Want highly customizable go Nexus.

Let the purge begin.

I was discussing these with my SO at Long Beach comic con a couple years ago. Thanks for the write up.

This needs more stars. And life needs this reminder more. I actually need this on at shirt.

I need my scyther.

They can keep their SAO. I want that summer wars shit.

This is all good and everything. But can I just get a copy of gradius V and raiden 3 playable on my ps4. Sorry not relevant but I’m begging here.

That’s deadpool. He does that. No feeding the trolls.