where is la dispute's rooms of the house... I've not been able to shake this album all year...
where is la dispute's rooms of the house... I've not been able to shake this album all year...
my wallet would hate that...
Is it really that good... I want to try it but I'd hate to be bummed out about it...
that looks amazing... Capcom was stupid for putting mega on ice... I'd love this on my 3ds...
I've tried peanut butter as an sub to great results but I know it's not much of a sub as an alternative.. Coconut oil makes the best brownies... And of course canabutter...
Lol... I'm actually interested in that... Can i see a gameplay trailer...
i really don't get all the hate on the musou games... I love them...
I'm so surprised bravely default is making lists...I enjoyed it but I didn't expect so appearances on end of year lists... Maybe a best of 3ds list...
1547-6328-0805 agentoy
i grew up like this starting with Atari 2600... Games are so easy these days so now it's all about the story...
that list is fucking amazing...
i do like front bottom... Doesn't work much for sexy talk though...
it would probably be like shopping at the 99 cent only store.. Their registers make the weirdest sounds...
This is the question i was asking... I'm kinda always asking...not in my situation but just in trying to understand motivations...
same here... Even playing omega ruby my latios is an hm slave... Don't really care for them...
Pokemon for me... When a new one comes i drop everything else...
This... We need this... Exactly this...
I'd take it and give me crisis core with it... I'd actually be willing to pay around 200 for updates to all the ff7 games... Maybe 3...
Yes... The always loyal and willing to entertain 3ds... No waiting ever...
And that's why i went from using my ps3 as my primary gaming machine to using my 3ds as my main system... There are hardly any hiccups in the transition from the thought to want to play games to actually playing... Before the ps4 came out i was gonna continue on the Sony upgrade path but now I'm good... I Did buy a…