
I wonder what that'd do for street fighter though... And Nintendo getting them would definitely mean new Mega Man games...

That was sorta beautiful...

I don't know if el-p did this but he makes and raps over the sickest beats... And his shows be turnt up...

I haven't driven many cars but I love the way my p71 handles...

Thank you for this...

I feel you on the mega stone quest. I literally just completed it Sunday thanks to thc chocolate... Not a typo...

That's one awesome dad...

Well it is just pee... And unless you don't use soap or some kind of cleanser besides running water i don't see the problem... I have a few friends who don't use soap...

I felt like all the other high schools in our league never taught that move so when we'd use it and get the escape point no one knew how to take it... Always caught everyone off guard...

Just trying to be open minded here... But what if he means not to train him in doing things adults should be doing but in teaching him to learn you... Like oh I'm not living just for myself anymore there's another person I have to dance with these days type of deal...

Good look on the reminder that yowamushi pedal is starting back up...i need that...

Isn't anytime someone received gay porn a prank...I've never been sent any seriously...

Can we make cannabutter with it... Only way I'd be in...

It works on mobile... What i do is tap the videos a little to the right of the play button... It's been like that for a while...

My thoughts exactly...

Yes you are... I've been shooting that idea for about a year now... She's with it but she has a vision that's hard to execute...

I'm pretty sure my Pokemon collection annoys the fuck out of my SO...

So beautiful... Like really just drop the logos (not a monster hunter fan)...

Is this a the onion article... Pinktober dialed back with a bigger g.i.joevember push...great move guys...

I have a couple in there... Forget them every time...