
I came here to say "And the Glass Handed Kites," but Mew's latest album, "+-" really takes prize for worst cover art.

There was also a scene where the camera seemed to get stuck on something and shift quickly during his standup routine.

I swear it sounded very similar to an Air song.

I agree, it was a strange call. I wish they'd have given a good explanation, but they didn't and that sucks, and overshadows an otherwise awesome game.

I made a comment through the second quarter on Reddit asking why the refs were blatantly ignoring holds. It was blatant during the first quarter and especially on the Reggie Bush TD.

Or, and hear me out — maybe the Packers will actually play decent football, not give up after the first quarter, not muff punts, not fumble twice in the last two minutes and not bitch about the refs when it was terrible officiating all around. But a boy can dream.