
If I had to wager a guess at who is in that grave, based on the context clues of how Oliver is acting and how Barry talks to him, I'm thinking it's going to be Captain Lance. It's serious and close enough for Oliver to mourn, but not so devastating to him that Barry could not only be late, but also dip out really

Ok so… My answer is Dead Space. What happened was, my roommate bailed on me so I'm living on my own for the first time, an hour away from anyone I know. I decide I'm gonna get a game and find Dead Space on the cheap. I pick it up and head on home. Grab a beer, turn off the lights and get ready for some Space Game

Pete and Pete completely holds up. Rewatching it now, I can actually see how it formed my love of indie films and things that were just off center. It was like the kid's version of Wes Anderson and so ahead of the curve nobody realized it.

You really don't think Long and Winding Road is a legitimate pick? That's one of my favorite Beatles songs.

The reason Ben's death hit me so hard is, unlike everything else Marvel has done with death, you know he's not coming back. They can't just whisk him away to whatever facility Coulson was taken to. He ain't Loki. He's just regular Ben Urich, and he is gone. That made it hurt because it actually feels permanent for

Wait, is this true?

While it may not be considered the scariest, my absolute favorite has always been The Ghost Next Door. It had more of a sense of sadness and emotion than the other books had and I read it over and over as a kid. My second favorite was the first one I ever got, Bad Hare Day, which is scary as shit.

We all miss Magnitude…

I have been having the same thought about the Automat meetings since the first episode. Seriously, want to not draw attention to yourself? Sit like normal people. My only complaint with this delightful show, and it comes down to a trope of the genre.

She looks nothing like Jake Gyllenhaal!

I believe that came out a year or two ago, but watching that was actually what kicked everything off and made me want to check them out. I recommend checking out their song "Someone Great". Absolutely beautiful, emotional song.

Just watched the first episode of Black Mirror last night. Still reeling from it.

45:33 is a damn near masterpiece.

For me, the year started with a serious effort to start listening to LCD Soundsystem. I had heard a lot about them for years, but during the height of their popularity, it just didn't mesh with my musical taste at the time. Needless to say, they helped provide a soundtrack to my new life in a new city. More recently

Tweet says it was taken in monochrome. Entirely possible there's more color in the actual costume that can't be seen since it's black and white.