
This is literally 20 minutes from my house. I feel... vicariously important all of a sudden.

@belo: You can tell they play with 3+ saves if they call em astartes. You can tell they're eldar if they respond with a craftworld first. :p

@mindsale: The only Space marines you're seeing with hair are Blood Angels and Space Wolves. They're the only two chapters manly enough to deserve head hair.

@tallshortguy: The humans in 40k are known to the Eldar as the "Mon-Keigh". Roughly pronounced "Mon kee".

@kyzur: Trust me, you want the eldar game just as much as I do. In time, youngling, in time.

You're not taking joe schmoe human and placing him in an inch or two of steel with your average superhuman abilities...

Call me lazy, but QR codes need to be mandatory for android app articles. Anyone have a link or anything?

@DrunkenOstrich: I just email the site to myself with the "share" function.

@Strife Fox †: Sean Bean's role was a bit... added though, wasnt it?

A sony product... that... has... android... IN IT?

@fizzlefist: We only just recently learned the pyro's gender, so its likely it will be with the upcoming update.

@fizzlefist: the medics voice actor is actually a very famous in very busy man, he likely we don't have the time to make the video they really really want to.

@Salari: yeah, what do they think this is, modern warfare 2?

With my zombie creator, couldn't I just CREATE the MJ zombie?

Didnt have the first "idiom" that I looked up, riding dirty.

@kftgr: Well obviously it... er... what I mean to say is.... less keystrokes... because the... names shorter! Thats definately what I meant ..

@VincentGrey: Not REALLY trolling, but I think its somewhere between the xbot's depiction and your illustration. I'm good with some of these odd controls and figuring our how they "work".

@Ackers Eats Crackers: Real Hoverboards DO exist dude. Someone re-created Marty's board down to the detail. It REALLY hovers, but can only hold about 3 ounces of weight.

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