
@dtptampa: Its not the one that came with my nexus one... I guess I must have downloaded it sometime and not remembered.

Standard FB app looks superior.

The closer console gaming gets to PC gaming, the larger it grows.

Little did I know we at game stop were getting forced to watch a world exclusive debut... every 5 minutes... of every day.

Doesn't G-Mote already do all this? I mean all you have to do is install the .exe on the home computer and it does so much MORE for so much LESS.

@pɹɐoqʎǝʞuǝʞoɹq: Removing bad apps from the market is a constant, based upon the way our market works.

Yo dawg I herd u like basketball...

@Bronyaur: The heavy bolters were a nice touch indeed.

@Everybody: Just making a star craft reference :).

Improved Photovoltaic Receptors

@irish_boy90: No no, closest you'd get would be the fallen Dark Angels.

Sniper should have been a vindacare assassin.

I know I'm supposed to make a robocop joke, but that thing looks EXACTLY like a protos unit.


@Eternal: That orange thing is q*bert yeh young whipper snapper!

My dream is to be on that list some day.

@cubiclegnome: Ich... strawberry icecream does NOT make for "perfection".

@JTF: It would give my case mod a 1/3 chance of nullifying a psychic power.