Agent Kooper

I didn't even notice the eyes, distracted as I was by the very fake talking all those fish did.

Yeah, Toy Story sucked that way.

For someone who claims so much experience with the band, it's weird you think it's "ignore." Listen to original version on While You Were Out or the acoustic version on the Black Gold best-of collection. It's "REGRET all the things you've done," without question.

I agree that they had their reasons in ending it the way they did. I just don't agree with those reasons, and I think they sacrificed a signature moment to no good purpose. But who knows? I'll be happy to be proven wrong with a strong season premiere next year. I just have no faith they'll be able to keep the

Maybe, although he sounds like he thinks he's actually telling a good story. He asks for the viewer's trust; he might have it if he didn't spend twice as long as necessary to play out every storyline.

Totally. This should have been — and was billed as — an iconic moment along those lines. The route they chose was so lame.

I was actually on board with the episode until the final moments, a stupid stunt ending that managed to be worse than any of the ways I'd feared this episode might go wrong. I actually disagreed with most of the review, except for its points regarding the Carol storyline. I'm totally in on Jeffrey Dean Morgan's

I'm a Stanhope fan, and I tried his podcast for a couple months. I wanted to love it but ultimately unsubscribed in disappointment. It wasn't the nihilism that did me in — that rawness appealed to me — but rather the surprising tiredness to it all. Occasionally it was great, such as his extended interview with a

And I should have the right to walk down any alley in [insert name of worst neighborhood in any large American city] at 3:00 a.m. while listening to my headphones and reading tweets on my iPhone. I shouldn't have to worry about getting robbed because of it. But that's not reality. If someone robs or kills me, it's

We always used that term to refer to someone who took back something they'd given you, and I always thought it referred to the way white people would renege on treaties with Native Americans when they relealized the allocated land was actually valuable. I understood it to be a knock on white people.

Hmmm. He actually got her to talk about a previous brief marriage that she never discusses (and would have happily glossed over it he'd let her), to describe at length her hitchhiking adventure across the country, and go into great detail about how she got started in radio. I've been listening to Teri Gross for 20

Well, there's smart, too. And inspiring.

Wrong. Neil Young gets at least three lifetimes worth of free passes for how great he was in his prime (which lasted a long time over his various fertile periods). His heart is still in the right place, and if he doesn't execute as well as he used to, well, we don't have to buy it. But awful he ain't.

No, sorry, I agree with you.

Yeah, there's a lot of good stuff in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and Hunter Thompson's Hell's Angels about the brief moment when it seemed like a good idea for Hell's Angels and hippies to hang out together and share drugs and women.

This sounds like sarcasm. It's been awhile since I've watched "Gimme Shelter," but I remember him seeming pretty numb in that scene, which wouldn't be a surprising or damning reaction.

The best description I've read about Altamont is at the end of the book The True Adventures of the Rolling Stones, by Stanley Booth. It puts the blame unequivocally on the the Hell's Angels, who, perhaps unsurprisingly, behaved like vicious, drug-addled Neanderthals from the get-go. The Stones are described throughout

"The Stones … let the still-fresh memory of Meredith Hunter's fate explain how they felt about peace."

Walmart has to answer the complaint in this lawsuit, and its answer has to include any affirmative defenses to the plaintiffs' claims. It's basically a matter of form, and Walmart's lawyers would be committing malpractice if they hadn't filed these. This case is never going to go to trial, and Walmart is never