If this helps one person in a jam 8 years from now, it was worth posting.
If this helps one person in a jam 8 years from now, it was worth posting.
I run a GTD system (no plugins, just Outlook) in 2010. I use a combination of Quick Tasks, categories and follow up items.
"Let's make muffins!"
This is literally the dumbest idea I've ever seen on here. Just chip your dog and get an old fashioned dog tag. A USB drive is too susceptible to the elements (you think someone is going to unwrap a bit of duct tape expecting to find a USB drive?!?!), and frankly nobody is going to actually plug it in and check it…
Or, for under $5, you can put a small, less bulky, not tech dependent, instantly recognizable and readable engraved tag on the dog's collar with the pertinent details. You know, like has been standard practice for as long as I can remember.
Don't get me wrong, tagging is great and has a place in the world; however, it enables lazy web and application coding where people abandon very basic SQL functions to build something to accommodate a hash-tag culture. Ever search for something and forget to add an apostrophe in a contraction? Ever look for an artist,…
Just to be clear here since you seem to be glossing over this fact. He was in fact breaking the law, and was in fact caught in a legal way, and was treated exactly as he should have been. Yes drug laws are perhaps stupid (I don't think that is nearly as clear as the druggies seem to), but the law is the law, you…
Maybe she does it all the time and is now used to it.