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    They can. They can also be a female and completely in any other way unchanged so as to make no difference except to a little girl.

    'cos it was a little thing that made his daughter happy and he's a good dad?

    Because gender is largely unimportant and her dad's not a dickbag.

    I'd just like to point out that the additional meaning from the film "the Full Monty", which means completely naked, 'cos that makes this statement about DQIV hilarious.

    Seriously! I am disappoint.

    People care. Probably people that aren't playing as boring-ass Mark Vanderloo dude, I guess?

    Even less successful were the turtle-shaped delivery devices, which where apparently painful when when the heads and limbs suddenly deployed.

    So true.

    It's not saying the hatred created by racism is absurd. It's saying the idea that one race is better than another is absurd. This is highlighted by the questionnaire. It doesn't matter what "reasons" you have for believing in racism: it's absurd to believe race matters in that regard.

    Every time I read some shrivelled GOP talking head say the word "juices" in relation to a vagina, I die some.

    If he's so smart then how come he's dead?

    I dunno, maybe people don't really find rape-related shit funny?

    I am making a savings account to get this to happen.

    This particular developer hasn't done this, but the video game industry as a whole doesn't have a stellar track record regarding sexism, wouldn't you agree?

    Right, so if a person doesn't realize they've done something wrong, it's pretty sensible to point it out, yeah?

    I don't think reporting that something happened is really akin to accusing someone of assault, but let's move on:

    Why do you feel unintentional discrimination is unworthy of note?

    The travelling object is 30 stories. The tunnel is much larger.

    BioWare 3:16

    No article is "necessary". What's wrong with listening to minority opinions?