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    I thought the end was the only way it could have ended, overall. I still don't get people's issues with it.

    Are you saying Hooters is an appropriate establishment for a work-related function?

    "This E3, I gathered with friends and former colleagues around a high top at Hooters".


    I don't remember saying CEOs can't be from other places. I just said if someone wanted to do an American villain, that'd be an obvious start.

    All due respect given, but if you "struggle to think of a game where America being the bad guys would make sense", you're likely not impartial enough to really take part in this discussion.

    They're not the best, true, but I find it preferable to the first-person perspective.

    Man, I hope not. Screw Boba Fett. I hate that guy.

    I always zoom out into third person in Bethesda's games.

    You had basically my reaction. I don't get the brouhaha.

    Good comment! I was thinking about #2 when reading this.

    Carnifex on a Krogran Vanguard is wonderful.

    You fool. Take a Carnifex and no other guns and your biotic charge will be right as rain. There's nothing better than a Krogan with a heavy pistol, taking heads off!

    THANK YOU. For pity's sake, Fukushima got hit by magnitude NINE earthquake! Even if New York was hit by a 5 or 6, chances are the reactor would be fine.

    Last I heard, he had a hand in re-writing a lot of The Incredible Hulk and they refused to give him co-writing credit, so he refused to do publicity and everyone got in a huff and, welp, now Banner's not him.

    "From what I could gather he's just a normal dude with some increased strength, speed and the ability to heal faster than normal, oh and he has a shield. Whoopty doo."

    Don't worry, we know the CN Tower is still cool, even if it's a "free-standing structure" and not a building.

    Exactly. He was just a product of the (absurdly paranoid) times who is so obviously an asshole and out of character in retrospect.

    Awesome. You could change it easily to be about Edward dating a highschool girl and it'd still be awesome.

    They were super-anti-communist and beat up people during the red scare, including civilians.