I was just thinking, "He's directing rings to lanterns and still has time to direct us to movie trailers? Dang, Mogo's good!"
I was just thinking, "He's directing rings to lanterns and still has time to direct us to movie trailers? Dang, Mogo's good!"
Are you sure? I'm gonna need a beat here to read this data. Would you mind stomping your feet, Jakita?
This might be a silly question, but how often are you reading the little black bar that it's giving you eyestrain?
Please enjoy these fruits of irony: [tinyurl.com] [Wikipedia link]
I love you.
If, in fact, optimism and liberalism are easier to corrupt, then perhaps it's because good is always more difficult than evil.
I think "in real life" quite a lot of people give a fuck about others.
Dish soap.
#corrections "During this process, leaves emit a faint, reddish glow that scientists call plant fluorescence - and detecting it is a helpful way to measure the health of plants across wide patches of landscape. Using a..."
You. I'd give you a star if a) I had one and b) you didn't.
What about people who just want to fuck cakes? Cakesexual?
Holy shit, you mean actual lightsabre fights might break out instead of fake ones if they don't show they're tough of sci-crime?
I know my core beliefs are shaken beyond repair.
Is this true? I desperately want this to be true.
And the white iPod and iPhone usually costs more, but they're more than happy to sell you a black one...
This sounds like a terrible idea!
I hope they cast based on something other than "X only looks hot sometimes, Y looks hot all the time."
It's a sad thing to miss a forest because one's so caught up staring at individual leaves.
You didn't lose anything. You chose to put your life up as blog and tweet while you were there. They experienced it and were made richer for having followed along in real-time with your life.