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    You didn't lose anything. You chose to put your life up as blog and tweet while you were there. They experienced it and were made richer for having followed along in real-time with your life.


    Wrestling is more intricately plotted and features better character development than most American sci-fi series these days!

    BBC America has better shows than SyFy does...

    "But it's too late; I've seen everything."

    Well, I think the problem with it is that it's not just Superman. It's pretty endemic to the entire superhero genre. That would've been more compelling, I think, drawing a line through the whole genre.

    I don't really feel like, "Superman's from space, but his power is crazy! NUFF SAID!" is a really convincing argument.

    I see what you're saying, you dirty humanists. You think people can't relate to aliens! I bet you wish they had their own schools and water fountains, too?

    For reals.

    Star Trek: Federation sounds like Mass Effect on the Enterprise.

    What, just 'cos they're a non-democratic, hereditary kingdom dedicated to keeping their people quiet and obsequious while supporting some of the worst regimes in the Middle East while spending their wealth in an endless pursuit of frivolity and self-aggrandizement?

    According to the pictures, they use Hotmail and they're seriously stuck in highschool.


    Oh man, yes.

    Crims is slang for criminals, particularly in the UK.

    Maybe they're doing it because it was used in spam?

    Oh no, someone got sex in my comics! Someone got comics in my sex!

    You've really never heard of a teenager under-performing to gain acceptance? You don't know any really smart kids that feel the need to hide it because they don't want to get picked on? No tall, pretty girls, that slouch and lack self-confidence because they hit their growth spurt early and felt like a beanpole?
