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    You're correct that he can't lose the limb completely, since the skeleton would remain, but I'd say the practical difference between "ow, my arm got burned off" and "oh, all the flesh on my arm was completely burned away" is pretty minimal. It's gonna be a pain party in your cerebellum no matter what.

    @kurzon: That's pretty much the difference between Superman and Wolverine.

    @John Addis: I'd star you if I could, good sir.

    Protip: do NOT buy the knockoff version of this.

    @FrankN.Stein: Not really the same thing. I think he's talking about the sci-fi cliché of ubermensch and "magic" science powers.

    @dr_bob: No, be rude. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Are you dense? Are you retarded? It's the god-damned Venture Bros.!

    @raezing: "Helloooo, computer?"

    How is Venture Bros. not on this list? Come ON!

    @atty101: It's a website where you can see what your friends are doing.

    @n9n3: Totally agree with this. There's way more hype than substance to this article.

    @HektikLyfe: I'm not sure how that's at all relevant.

    @Zuldim: The dude burst his front door open, intent on tackling him, then chased him down the street.

    @Zuldim: What other reason could there possibly be for walking towards the front door?

    @AgentSmithAndWesson: How did you wear them out? I've been using the same shitty one for years now.

    It's funny how misspelling "transparent" somehow made me question the integrity of the entire article.

    @vinod1978: Why is it obvious we need to print?

    @gamerjason88: On the other hand, I give not a fuck if my mum knows about my life.