Agent Dale Pooper-Scooper

Maybe they want to be used as a sex prop? Ya know like how women can have rape fantasies and stuff, sex positive and all that ya know?

Why don't you spend three seconds thinking about the fact that you automatically discount something just because it deals with sexual topics above a third grade level? Yes it is showing off nudity and sex? So fucking what? Most action movies show off car crashes and fetishize guns. Most adults have sex and most

Yeah but this doesn't look very arousing. Porn is (arguably) supposed to arouse and I don't think that is what this movie is going for. The movie contains unsimulated sexual acts, after we see the movie we can argue if they are warranted but prior to that there is obviously more going on in this movie around the sex

Yes but maybe there can exist something between "movie" and "porn" like you know, a movie that contains pornographic elements that do not negate the "movie" elements.

Worst movie of the year eh, you do realize there are going to be multiple comic book movies coming out right? I love how anytime a movie contains something "shocking" (or ya know, sexual themes) it is only being done for shock value and is outright rejected. Let's say this movie is being done 100% for shock value,

Aren't you just a ray of sunshine.