Agent Cruller

Dang! Of the three I want, only one is going to be available in men’s sizes. I kinda thought they’d be offered in all fits, not specific designs to specific cuts/sizes.

Warmer spring weather always makes me want to play Pokemon Red, Ocarina of Time, and Oracle of Ages. Without fail.

First horse I got in BotW is all black, wild nature, pretty dang good stamina. Named her Arwen. Killed by Horseback Bokoblins swinging around huge clubs. Trekked Aaalllll the way back to the horse god on foot to have her resurrected. I can’t let go of her.

I am amazed at how he’s able to successfully copy the original artwork’s style each time. It legit looks like the card was just made full art.

So it looks like you have to tell the system when you’re going to take the joy-cons off the screen or put them back on? I suppose that makes sense from the perspective of activating the motion sensors. Seems kinda cumbersome compared to the commercials that make it look like they just pop off instantly.

I genuinely don’t even remember seeing commercials for the Wii U. I saw one ad for Twilight Princess HD and that is literally it.

I preordered Breath of the Wild there just on the hope of midnight release, but now I’m really wishing I hadn’t. Cause this is some super flawed thinking and a shitty way to screw employees and customers alike.

Same. I have been dying for even a hint of FFIX HD but there has been NOTHING

This series sure does love the shirtless buff guy with a mullet character, doesn’t it?

I had the exact same thought as Corpse Run, so I booted mine up (also to play Twilight Princess again). There were no updates.

720p on a 6.2" screen? Smartphones have better resolution on screens no more than an inch smaller. Come on, Nintendo. The Wii U’s gamepad screen was shit and in 2017 this is just terrible. I would happily pay more if it meant 1080.