
Smh that the correlations to proving how insane modern anti-vax shit is are from sometimes 100 years ago. That’s how dumb these people are being. Children dying because the technology wasn’t there, and these days it’s gonna happen out of pure resistance to information and ignorance, behaving the same exact way right

How can you fully realize something that hasn’t happened?

Old balls are the cause of many problems in the world.

Hear hear

Ugh people are selfish, these types so much more than the average person. Other people’s lives don’t even come into the equation for them (in more than one way), only how hard they gauge their own difficulties in life. So fucking stupid.

“What’s that, son? You stepped on a rusty nail playing in our organic, toxin and pesticide- free free range chicken coop? I’ll tell mom to start planning the funeral. Nice knowing you."

The toxic toxins are toxifying us, can’t you see?!

Ick ick ick ick ick. I’ll Google for it when I’m desperate for something to read during a marathon shit or trying to avoid eye contact in a social/public situation. I’m eating lunch atm. Want to keep in my body to digest for further use.

Dolphin whore!

“I saw you in the meeting today, Malcom. I know you were thinking about me. I saw that tent you pitched looking at our texts from last night.”


Intellect is a construct?

With scalding water and a pumice stone and possibly gasoline

Been humped by a couple dogs and at no point did I think I should bone the dog. No, I wanted a hose to get them the fuck off of me. I believe this is the appropriate response to horny creatures of a different species.

I’ll take Jap Anus Relations for $200.

I’ll takeThe Rapists” for$200.

I would bare hands murder an adorable woodland creature for $25 and an hour for a pedicure.

The cost of daycare for my family would cost the exact amount of my husband’s income so it makes no sense to just work to pay daycare so I can work, too. The struggle is real and you have outlined it perfectly. If it were more affordable/subsidised, we could be buying a 2nd car, a home, vacationing, getting that much

I had plans for my MIL to watch my kids so I could go back to work and help my hubs dig out of his cancer debts and into a mortgage and she turned out to be a sociopath. Ha! *pulls hair out* We moved to the hood instead to get our rent to 1/4 of my husband’s pay instead of 1/3 and give up on the mortgage till my kid’s

In my kid’s school every day is 7:15 to 2:45 except Wednesday’s which is till 11:45 and that whole thing is definitely helpful for no one trying to work.