
If the game developers didn’t intend for it to be there, it’s an exploit. The fact that they removed it seems to pretty clearly state that they didn’t want it in their game.

“In 2012, a method was discovered that allowed players to skip the large door to Banjo-Kaoozie’s final boss”

You’re also not restricted to that 2 feet long controller cable.

This. With a Retropie you can make all the Classics you want with a few more than 30 games lol.

You ever worked retail? They are already miserable.

Hopefully, people save themselves the trouble and just get a Retro Pie.

Haha exactly. I’ve turned away between 3-50 people every single day since the day of release. I honestly don’t know why their share holders tolerate it.

Doubt it’ll impact anyone at The Gap, but I guess ya never know, huh?

You’re not kidding a used store near me got one traded and they are selling it for $120 calling it “cheap”. And to those who say “the scalpers still had to buy it” yes your right but there’s a difference between scalpers selling a few units to scalpers selling dozens at a time, and if a company short ships products

Seriously, you’d think they were working together at this point. It’s pretty much the only way to find Nintendo products.

Like, are we 100% sure it ever existed in the first place?

i spent $100 making an emulator machine from raspberry pi 3 that plays games from numerous systems that has two SNES style controllers (the ones with way more buttons than the NES ones).


A few years back, I was having a conversation online about how it took me 30+ hours to beat A Link Between Worlds and was mocked by some morons because it only took them around 10.

The backlash against this game is kind of baffling to me. Yeah, it’s not the second coming and ultimate revival of 3D platformers, but they delivered exactly what they promised; a Banjo game with a modern coat of paint, and everything (good and bad) that entails.

I don’t think we need to worry about Super Mario Odyssey. This team did Galaxy 1/2 and 3D Land/3D World.

Hey I found another glitch that lets you skip the rest of the game:

Except Gex is a gecko, not a lizard.

I can’t believe it’s taking them so long to come out with DotK II: Deep Dicking.

It’s been a decade already!!!