
I don’t think Nintendo would have any interest in Rare anymore. It seems to me like allot of important workers in that company left probably right before the buy out, there definitely not the same developer. Microsoft imo at this point only wants there ips, Rare wan wasn’t involved in the recent Killer Instinct,

Already have 4 & 5 on pc running at 60fps @ 1080p and who cares about 6 that ones terrible. I’ll pass!

Your right I don’t know how I missed the “printed” text in your post. But yea it’s a nice idea.

No collection is truly complete with out a copy of Mario Galaxy imo.

Not exactly sure why you think they needed to build a traditional controller that’s better then the Xbox one controller. Imo that’s one of the best controllers out there. I also don’t think Valve would have been able to do that.

Someone did, It’s called an alienware alpha.

Sounds like a Korean youtube game channel, I’m sure he had more then just the Saturn, but nice find I didn’t even notice it till your post.

Nice idea but they’d have to cheap’en it up a little. This was done by hand, sure they can come with print designs like this that would look nice, but the process can’t be the same as this one.

Maybe but I still think the pacing feels different.

It’s a beat’em?! Damn I hope this still gets released I miss those games! Last good one I played was that Double Dragon Neon game. It’s been too far apart with another good one. I remember fondly the good old days of Final Fight, Streets of Rage and The ninja turtle games. Hope they nail this!

Still can you explain to me why I enjoyed playing 3 and was grabbed by the story and 4 is boring the hell out of me and I feel like the story hasn’t been moving at all? I don’t know maybe it’s just me but I felt like the pacing in 3 moved faster, am I wrong?

I think dq has hot dogs.... But I gotta say I don’t hate the idea. Some of us really don’t care for gas station food and sure I don’t know if Burger King is much better but at least there is a drive through. Besides sometimes I get there chicken nuggets for my kids and sometimes I don’t want anything on there menu and

I still haven’t gotten through 4.... Don’t know why exactly loved 3. Just find it boring, not even ready for primal.

9 had Freddy Krueger, why wasn’t Jason added to that game so fans could relive Freddy vs Jason or why was Freddy omitted from this year’s game and Jason is in it. Either way it was a tease and disappointing that they weren’t both in the same game. For Leatherface I actually really want to play as him, the original

Trump should totally get that guy this mouse pad.

Yea I know that, I’m just saying having a character that is so random be in charge is 100 times more fun then having McMahon come out with his goofy walk to the ring and bully the good guy every week. Wrestling is suppose to be fun and filled with surprises, these days the gm’s do the same thing every week. Mick had

If you where Alfred wouldn’t you own a shot gun too! The bat only has psychos coming for him, you know not exactly your safest working environment. Be nuts to not get a gun license.

HOW DID I ONLY HEAR ABOUT THIS COMIC NOW!!! Now I have to track down the 1st two issues! This is a child hood dream for me, my 2 favorite hero’s in 1 comic! As a kid both these super hero franchises where my favorite! Forget Marvel I was all about the Turtles and Batman! There’s just not enough comic book stores

Mick Foley still to this day has been my favorite GM. They would do such unexpected matches during that period. I’d let DB give it a try.

Yep goty for me too, too much dlc.