
Muscled girls usually loose there Boob’s unless they get implants I think. Also her belly button is very strange, after seeing it I don’t think I’d want to see what’s under the underwear.

I did actually enjoy it, but even I got my copy the rooms where dead. Sad that it didn’t do that well, I had allot of fun in the story mode.

Upscaling is hardly an upgrade, but yea I see your point.

And get that huge $600 price down!

They did that same exact thing on the ps3 and people bought them. The fact of the matter is you don’t have to buy your old ps2 library over again, it’s cheaper to just re buy a used ps2. The fact is anyone re buying games is the reason they do this and the problem is there probably making more money on suckers then

Looks awesome to me! Besides I’m sure they’ll figure away to get the fans in there eventually, maybe less then regular tv football has them but oh well... Do we really need to see fat guys with no shirts with painted letters on there chest?

This sounds like it can make creating the models with there tattoo’s very complicated, eventually they’ll probably just draw up there own tattoo’s to texture onto the arms of the players. Logos are easier to find who owns them, tattoos are a bit more complicated...

Had a similar story with club Nintendo rewards too. I wanted the Doc Louis version of Punch Out which was only attainable by using club Nintendo proof of purchase points. When I finally had enough points I tried to redeem it just to find out I was just 1 day too late, they had taken that down as a reward. I was

I can’t blame them, I’m not interested at all watching Counter Strike and definitely not for that long. Me personally I’ll go against all the war themed games. I’d rather see fighting game tournament’s, heck I’d even rather watch a racing game. Personally I think too many gamers would rather play video games then

Never thought about that but it kinda does. I wonder if that’s what Tobe Hooper was going for. That movie is such a f’d up master piece. Only could have been done that way in the 70's.

I kinda like that Flintstones pic, looks like that one could actually be good. Belma and Dafney’s designs for Scooby look cool, not sure about the rest of the characters there.

You must have really wanted to buy something bad to allow the store to not load for 10 whole minutes, I’d have given up after 3 minutes.

There getting cheap with customising these consoles. All that is is the hard drive plate that comes off. Most easy part to customise! I’ll just put a SF5 sticker on my hard drive plate too and call it a customised SF5 console, if I wanted I could just remove that one piece and have an artist do a cool piece of artwork

Totally buying Leatherface!!

Kinda funny that his digital character will make it in the octagon before he actually does.

Tag team division still shit though.

Sorry to hear that. I guess it’s harder then I originally thought.

Damn if I was you I’d be looking for 2 player games she might like. I tried New Super Mario Wii with the wife but she was pretty useless... I had to carry her character through the harder parts.

Ok you got a gf that plays games that’s a good enough reason to buy. Wish my wife played more games, it’s be fun.

I subscribe to the philosophy if the product was appropriately priced and dlc doesn’t feel like a complete rip off more people would buy at launch. The way the industry is now I usually don’t buy on launch and usually wait till the game comes down in price. I also like to wait till goty versions are out so I get all