
You don't have to be a lesbian to hate men. Dodd hated women and he wasn't a homosexual. Simone was just like her father: spoiled, an over grown child, and hated the opposite gender.

The Shield was perfect and so was Justified.

I also didn't doubt it because there'd be no reason for her to still be alive. I mean what could she do in the last episodes? She'd have no use in the story.

Furiosa shooting the rifle on Max's shoulder makes me cringe. I mean his hearing would just be gone after that.

Just don't run me over is all I ask.

She was a protagonist not the protagonist. I'd say Lou was the protagonist.

As I said I think either one or both of these things would have made the final better. One was to make the final two hours and have this episode and last week's episode all one big final so it didn't feel like there a big build up to nothing, and the other idea I had was for Lou to shoot Hanzee. Hanzee would slip away

A part of me thinks the final would have been better had Hanzee and Lou been in a shootout and Lou shot Hanzee in the stomach, but Hanzee managed to slip away and steal a car. And, the last time we see Hanzee he's driving away, but still bleeding leaving his fate ambiguous.

Well two kids talking in sigh language. They weren't both deaf.

I can imagine.

To be fair it would most likely go up from manslaughter to second degree murder because she tried to cover it up.

Well I think feminism in general is a muddled concept, because it means so many things to so may different people. Peggy's feminism was more of a self centered feminism. Simone's was more of a man hating feminism (granted it made sense considering her father), and Betsy's feminism was more egalitarian.

The minute Ed killed Rye she was trying to manipulate him into getting them to go to California, so yeah there was plenty of her trying to make things go her way from pretty damn early on.

I think there's a difference between being right, and having a point. If she were right she would have been a victim, but instead she was not. If she felt the way she did she should have got a divorce. She should have left that life. For example she didn't want kids and Ed did. What's the better solution telling him

But she was always like that though. She never cared about what anyone else wanted or how her actions effected others. She didn't see Rye as a victim because she couldn't see him as one. She had to be the center of the universe. She never wanted to own up to anything. Last week it was Lou's fault they were in this

" He’s right, people are dead, but I don’t think that invalidate what she’s trying to say." I'd say it does. Her wants got people killed. They weren't needs. She didn't care about the repercussions of her actions and how they effected others. She was self centered.

Compelling and being right are hardly the same thing though. She wanted far more than she was owed. She didn't care about anything her husband wanted until it was too late. She was firmly in the wrong. Vic is right she was greedy.

Yeah I could definitely see that with The Shield, because as an American I saw it all together, and it was a PERFECT ending, but splitting it up would cheapen it/make it have less of an impact.

I think it's more because it didn't feel like the war was even over. It felt like the war was not only not over but being hyped up for one last skirmish. That's why I feel had this episode and the last episode been put together it would have felt less like this episode was building to something that didn't come,

For me Justified season 6 has that honor.