
Thank you for clarifying! I started as a Daisy and went all the way through Junior years, and then was a leader of a troop for a few years, myself (and right after the switch to the leadership-focused programs!). And I remember that asterisk, and I remember the spirit that it is meant to be in. The troop I led was the

Welcome to your new everyday routine in Trump’s america.

It should have been you, Lobster.

At least Michelle promised to be in the fight with us for the rest of her life. When it gets really hard I need that promise to help me get out of bed in the morning.

I just ugly cried when that one kid yelled “Barack Obama!” with so much joy.

Just came here to say: Damn, Obama looks fine in that leather jacket.

Rachel, you posted THE gif. Not anything to add except you the woman!

Seriously what planet am I on? Do better y’all.

But does it come with a key fob that declares “I have POC friends” ...?

Not to mention her saying this: “McSweeney texts again on December 29, “U hate me cus I’m white. Our conversations r everything to me btw. We have a lot of friends in common and if anyone of them saw this I would b so ashamed.”

Ummm no. Not really.



If I were famous I’d make every dollar possible as quickly as possible. Never know when it’s all going to go away and you’ll end up with the RNC being your biggest gig in 10 years

Well Loki...that’s wonderful.

Divorced people accepting and being kind to each other for the sake of their kids always gives me hope. This is a very good story.

Scotland has been the best at calling it all out.

Now playing

The real olds recognize only One True Kylie, and she is Australian.

Those bangs...

You really going to demonize me because I liked neither Trump or Clinton and voted for the Libertarian ticket with the hope of expanding a two party system to add more alternatives? I understand you are demoralized with the results, but these sorts of tantrums and talking in absolutes that condemn people with